Why doesn’t the photo pass moderation?

We aim for all user photos to create a positive impression. Therefore, we carefully review all profile photos. If your photo did not pass moderation, please, review it against our guidelines.

Photos that are not permitted for publication include:
  • Other people’s photos;

  • Images that are not actual photos;

  • Photos of device screens or printed materials;

  • Photos containing watermarks, contact details, or links;

  • Photos that reference or suggest any commercial relationships in any manner.

The following are also considered unacceptable:
  • Erotic or pornographic photos;

  • Photos containing sexual accessories;

  • Photos of children, including those with pedophilic elements;

  • Photos containing or suggesting addictive substances or medications;

  • Photos depicting, mentioning, or promoting violence, fascism, nationalism, or extremism in any form;

  • Photos containing or suggesting profanity, insults, or provocations in any form;

  • Photos inciting hatred or enmity on any grounds.

Your profile picture should be a portrait, as it is important for people to know who they are communicating with. You can also upload joint photos with friends if they do not mind, but such photos cannot be considered portrait photos.

Photos that are welcomed and approved as portrait photos include:
  • Photos where your face is clearly visible;

  • Photos in full-face view, without visible graphic editor effects.

Following successful moderation, your photos will appear in your profile, making it easier to meet new people. Profiles with photos, especially multiple photos, are more appealing.


If you believe your photo conforms to the guidelines but was declined, please, contact customer support.