How do I update the email address in my profile?

To update the email address in your profile, do the following:
  1. Navigate to My Profile;

  2. Use the gear icon to go to Settings;

  3. Select Email;

  4. Enter a new email address and profile password;

  5. Click Done.

A confirmation email will be sent to your new email address. Confirm the address by clicking the link in the email.

Email changing process in a profile

If you do not receive the email, check your blacklist for blocked email addresses in your inbox, and also look in your spam folder. Your mail server might not be delivering emails from us. If the email still does not arrive, please contact customer support.

If you do not remember the password required to change the email in your profile, use the password recovery feature. To do this, select Log In on the website’s homepage. If you are using the app, choose Log In with Email or Login. If you are using a browser, select Email. Click on the ‘Forgot Your Password?’ link and follow further instructions.

If you have no access to your email and cannot recover your password, please contact customer support. We will be happy to help you!